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Free Marketing Sauce
(members only content)

It can be overwhelming to see everyone throwing their secret tactic at you behind a paywall.


That's why I created "The Jee's Letter."


I send out DAILY EMAILS personally written by me that contain ready-to-use resources, tactical insights and genius marketing moves you can make.


HOWEVER, there are rules.


The Jee's Letter

Congrats, you're in!!

I've created these rules to be respectful of everyone's time.


1. This is the ONLY medium you can forever be connected with me. Other mediums are out of my control.


2. IF my emails are not opened for more than 180 days, you'll be unlisted. This helps me keep my list healthy and avoid spamming people who are not interested. 


3. I want you to take ACTION on what I teach. You'll be asked to reply with your progress fortnightly or monthly.


4. People who reply will be added to "Jee's Prodigies list" with whom I'll host private group calls for FREE.

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